Renting Space for Estheticians
Looking for a place to call home for your spa? Here is how to find and negotiate the best deal for your business....
Looking for a place to call home for your spa? Here is how to find and negotiate the best deal for your business....
Take a look at Spring's most trendy looks, along with some tips on how you can achieve them with your clients. ...
Protecting yourself and your business is crucial when having your own business. Discover three must-have insurance policies for estheticians....
Owning and running a business is a rewarding experience, but along with the territory comes financing and tax season. Here are five tips to help you save money. ...
Perk up your clients’ lips this Valentine’s day with lip care treatments and add-ons. Share advice for nourishing lips with these tips....
With Valentine’s Day this month, more of your clients will be seeking treatments for two. Create a couples package from start to finish for romancing and relaxing. ...
Makeup is back in demand, meaning 2022 will be the boldest year yet. Discover makeup looks trending this year to help your clients create looks they love....
Oftentimes detoxing the skin requires eliminating toxins from your diet. Learn all about the skin-gut and liver connection and when a detox cleanse is appropriate....
As a solo esthetician, you wear many hats for your business. Learn how to increase profit as a solo esthetician and save money with these tips....
Explore combination therapy, machine magic, and fusing med spa and holistic therapies for advanced facial treatments....