Five tips to make your spa more sustainable
More and more businesses are shifting toward eco-friendly practices. Part of their motivation is the clientele, as they feel good supporting businesses that try to make the world a better, cleaner place. If you’re looking for ways to start making your spa more eco-friendly, we’ve got a few tips that are simple to integrate and effective at reducing your carbon footprint.
Audit Your Energy
Before changing anything, it’s good to take a step back and really look at your spa. Think about things on an opera- tional level, seeing how services flow from start to finish. Take note of areas where you could make changes, includ- ing products, procedures, and clean-up.
By taking a moment to think about how your spa conducts busi- ness, you will have a better idea of how to start operating cleaner and more energy-efficient.
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Five Tips to Become a More Eco-Friendly Spa
There are many ways you can cut cor- ners and start operating more envi- ronmentally friendly. If you’re looking for some inspo, try out these five tips to reduce your energy consumption.
Tip #1. Natural Lighting
Your spa may be a relaxing place where clients can sit back and relax. Part of creating a soothing atmosphere is do- ing away with harsh lighting, which is actually more environmentally friendly. When you can, choose natural lighting over harsh, bright lights. For relaxing massages or facials, use a small, dim light source that will create a soothing ambiance.
Added Perk – Not only will your customers love your eco-friendliness, but you’ll also love your new, reduced electric bill. Save some dough and re- duce your energy consumption by us- ing more natural lighting.
Tip #2. Say No to Laundry
Your spa may go through hundreds of linens a day, which adds up quickly. Each load of laundry you do not only uses a ton of water, but also electric- ity, making it reduce your eco-friendly status. Saying no to laundry, you can use single-use linens instead, choosing those that are biodegradable.
Added Perk – Most importantly, no more laundry! You’ll also see a reduction in your laundry costs, which add to your water and electric bill.
Tip #3. Cut Paper Trails
Part of running a spa is dealing with paperwork, some dealing with orders and others dealing with legal documen- tation. Though you can’t do anything about the number of documents you have to deal with, you can switch to dig- ital copies, reducing your paper trails.
Added Perk – Reducing the physi- cal papers you have on hand also helps you keep things organized and tidy. Be sure to add them to a secure storage device (USB, SSD) and backup your copies often so you don’t lose any- thing important.
Tip #4. Choose more Eco-Friendly Waste
Waste is an important by-product of any spa. You may toss out a number of bags daily, including trash from in-house and clients. An immediate fix would be to do away with plastic, only using paper when it comes to discarding. Another quick fix is to add reusable products such as glassware for beverages and recycling options for glass and paper.
Added Perk – Incorporating reus- able items into your everyday items means that you’ll have less trash to throw away and reduce your waste pro- duction dramatically.
Tip #5. Choose Greener Products
One sure way to operate more eco- friendly is to change up your products. You could switch out linens to those produced with organic cotton and spa shoes with those constructed from bam- boo. Both organic cotton and bamboo are sustainable fibers, growing naturally and in abundance, making them per- fect for everyday use.
Added Perk – Organic cotton and bamboo are both safe for skin, making them the perfect material for all skin types, even those with highly sensi- tive skin.
Save Money While Being Kind to the Environment
One added bonus to being more kind to the environment is saving money on your energy use. Taking a look at how your spa operates and finding ways to cut waste and energy use is key to transforming your spa into a more eco-friendly business. Use our tips as a guide and get creative when adding sustainable treatments and products to reduce your spa’s carbon footprint.