A Video Marketing Guide for Beauty Professionals
There are many ways to promote your business online, but there has been an increasingly large spotlight on video marketing on social media platforms. From live video to long-form video, there are many avenues to showcase your business. The most recent video marketing trend that has taken precedence in the marketing world is quick video. Quick video has the potential to expand your audience reach and generate loyal customers, but mastering it can prove to be a daunting task. With some practice and a few key tips, creating and executing a quick video plan will be an effective new strategy for your business.
Share Content on Your Current Platforms
When diving into the world of video marketing, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the number of platforms that have shifted their target to video content. The pressure to secure new accounts on all social media platforms is high, and keeping up with the content expectations of each platform is enough to make anyone wave a white flag.
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The key to video marketing in the beauty space is not to show up everywhere, but to capitalize on your current social media platforms before moving to the next one. Video marketing is the new frontier for audience engagement and marketing trends, and it’s not going anywhere – so prioritize showing up for your current audience before focusing on a new platform. As you master quick video on one platform, then you can add the next.
Become a Storyteller
The best rule of thumb in video marketing is to be a storyteller, not a salesperson. Instead of focusing on video content that lists your service’s basic features and benefits, create a deeper narrative that illustrates why your potential client needs your service. Video marketing should make the customer feel like the hero of the story. The services you offer act only as a guide to get the hero, your customer, from their main conflict to the happy ending.
Human nature thrives in emotional connection and problem-solving, which makes video marketing the perfect place to build a connection that turns your audience members into loyal clients by connecting to their needs, their problems, and guiding them to the best solution. Video marketing, when done well, tells a story that creates a lasting impression on your audience and will build on your brand’s core identity.
Educate, Entertain, and Engage
For beauty businesses, following the three E’s of video content will save you hours of prep time and many content brainstorming headaches. By following the educate, entertain, and engage formula, you can plan and film content for weeks or months ahead of time. By ‘batch filming’ these types of content, you will start to fill your social media with high-value content and start to form the habit of your audience tuning in to your videos consistently.
Education is an incredibly valuable skill that all beauty professionals have up their sleeves – sit in front of the camera and pretend you have a client sitting in your chair with a specific problem, now talk to the camera in the same way that you would educate the client about their problem and how you would suggest solving it. Education videos are also a great time to discuss specific products or services that you love to showcase to your current clients.
Entertainment videos are exactly that, just for entertainment purposes. The best way to create these videos is to start by researching what type entertaining of video content is trending and replicate it with your own unique twist. Entertainment videos tend to follow a mass trend, whether it be a video sound, dance, or topic. It is important to note that video trends pop up as quickly as they disappear, so create and post entertainment trends as soon as possible so you can be included in the hype before it is too late.
Engaging content will always be the king of video marketing, but you can only create engaging content by knowing who your audience is on the other side of the screen. Tap into native insights on your current social media platforms to see the demographics of people who interact with your content. Engaging video marketing starts with a good hook, or something interesting that happens within the first few seconds of the video, and includes content that is hyper-relevant to the audience with eye-catching visuals that keep them curious about what is next during the entire video. Engaging video marketing may take a bit longer to master than the other two types of quick video content, but can often explode your reach and expand on your audience.
When done consistently and effectively, video marketing on social media can provide great gains to a small business. Video is currently one of the biggest trends in marketing due to the massive return on investments many business owners have seen by using it. By understanding how it works, who to target, and what to post about, you are harnessing a new area of marketing that delivers relevant content to your ideal audience.