Summer Boom - Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa
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Summer Boom

How to prepare for reopening this Summer


Summer is almost here, and everyone is returning to a somewhat “pre-pandemic normal.” Now is the perfect time to make sure that you and your business are in the proper position to reopen again! Check out these ideas on how to prepare for what I like to call the Summertime Boom! 


Spread the Word

Now that you are back into the swing of things let all of your clients know. This can be as simple as sending out an email blast and posting to social media. Don’t forget to let them know about the things you are doing to keep yourself and your establishment safe and clean. 


It may be a good idea to post on your website any new policies and procedures you have in place, including staggered appointment times, limited seating in the waiting room, etc.

Choose 1 or 2 marketing strategies and crush it out!

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Dust Off Your Marketing Strategy

If you don’t already have a marketing strategy, be sure to establish one. Remember, you don’t have to do every marketing tactic, all at the same time. Choose 1 or 2 marketing strategies and crush it out! 


If your marketing strategy is email, be sure to ramp up your email marketing communications. If your marketing strategy is social media, be sure to start posting more often. Another great way to get the word out about your reopening is to partner with local businesses and cross-promote. Place your business cards on the counters of local businesses and send out postcards to the community. 


Get Fresh! 

Does your website need a refresh? Or maybe your spa needs to be updated. Take this time to update your website with your new service offerings, policies, photos, and more. Clients will be happy to see you and are waiting to see what’s new, fun, and exciting within your business. 


Make Sure You Are Stocked

If you aren’t selling retail, you should start. For most beauty businesses, retail helps to increase your bottom line. Start by retailing skincare products used in the treatment room. Try retailing fun summer items like hydrating masks and lip balms. 


Ways to increase retail sales include sampling, specials, and bundling. You can also increase your retail sales by setting up impulse buys at the front desk. You can have your front desk person suggest these items as your guests are checking out. 


Throw a Welcoming Event 

We have all been in the house for a year. Have you thought about throwing a “welcome back” event? But instead of a gathering, you can run a special deal to welcome back old and new clients. If you choose to have a reopening event, try to stagger your event times to ensure there is ample space to maintain social distancing guidelines.


For more Beauty Business Marketing tips, follow me here: 



IG: @CrystalNgoziCoaching
