The ultimate exfoliation method for an even complexion
In the Spring, we start to think about more intensive skin treatments that will help regenerate new, beautiful skin just in summer. These treatments may call for a bit of downtime, and avoiding the sun, so it is the perfect time for peels, laser, and DERMAPLANING.
A lot of clients in the Tri-state area love dermaplaning during the summer months because the sun really shows any little glimmer of peach fuzz. Even though the hair is more visible during the warmer months because of fewer clothes or a stronger sunray, I do not recommend it. Hair is a protective layer that one could argue is good for your skin and mico-biome year-round. I tell my clients if they are looking to derma- plane simply for the aesthetic of hair/ peach fuzz removal, then be vigilant (in any scenario) with SPF, and if it’s sunny, hide your face in the shade, covered by a hat.
However, I LOVE Dermaplaning clients in the months leading up to summer as it gives a beautiful, physi- cal exfoliation to the skin if performed properly. There are many benefits to this treatment, such as the removal of baby vellus hair, the actual motion of this treatment can help with colla- gen synthesis and increase the skin’s absorption rate! What’s not to love? Understanding that this treatment is not solely about hair removal but more focused on exfoliation will help you to offer a superior treatment.
When performing dermaplaning in one section of the face, I always train
that the first three strokes remove hair, the following strokes up to 8 total is an exfoliating skin treatment. Ensuring we are not working with dull blades will provide a professional dermaplane treatment, not just shaving someone’s face.
Offering this service is a low startup cost for new businesses and can be charged at a high ticket. (Make sure to do your market research). There is instant gratification with this treatment which clients love. Makeup glides on more smoothly, and the skin is renewed and glowing. Clients often love it so much that you can create a series, help- ing with monthly bills and client reten- tion. This service can also be adjusted as an add-on or created as a full 60 min. facial. There are many ways to incorpo- rate this service into your business at a low cost to show high yields.
Now, let’s chat about taking it to the next level & adding a peel after dermaplaning! I do not recommend this for a first-time Dermaplane client, even if they have had experience with peels prior. Concurrently, make sure you are trained with the peel line you offer your clients, as no peel is made the same. If you remember how I said the absorption rate increases after the
deramplane treatment, keeping that in mind when applying a peel is crucial.
Adding a peel to a dermaplane ser- vice will help address hyperpigmen- tation, brighten overall complexion, smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, and allow the peel to penetrate deeper, working on a deeper level. Working with peels that contain growth factors can also assist the skin cells in support- ing and repairing damaged skin, and reducing inflammation. The outcome of this treatment is glowing and result- driven, so keep in mind the skin may peel in a few days.
Do not over-moisturize during this time. Avoiding picking or peeling one’s skin will help in beautiful lasting results a few days later, unless using a high- grade medical peel would call for more downtime.
Adding a peel to any service such as dermaplaning can also add more revenue to your business. You can set your business’s menu up to be A’ La Cart, peel, dermaplaning, dermaplan- ing with a peel, and so on.
Dermaplaning is not for impaired barrier skin, such as rosacea, a client who has a cold sore/ open wound, sunburn, thin, active acne, any cancer, blood thinners, current use of Accutane, allergy to nickel, or hyper-sensitized skin. This treatment can cause more skin issues then you began with when performed on a client who has a con- tradictor. Be sure to complete a full intake on your client as you want to offer the best service for each client while keeping their health in mind.