This month, Sofia gives us the lowdown on her latest business venture.

Can you share a bit about your latest venture with us?
Yes, the mobile spa space is finally in the works! The camper had been in temporary use but now that we have it back, we’ve begun renovations. Right now, we are just tearing out unnecessary tables and wood to create a more open space. Once that’s complete, we’ll come up with design plans to set in motion. Then, of course, is the whole process of registering the business and camper!
How did you come up with the idea for a mobile business?
The idea for the mobile spa space actually came from my mom. Originally, I wanted to transform the shed in my backyard into a suite but I would’ve had to add a bathroom and that would’ve meant so many additional costs. The camper came with all the amenities and we have the option of traveling to those who can’t make it to us!
Why do you think mobile beauty services are a good option for today’s clientele?
I think it’s a good option for those who maybe work from home or are full time parents. For example, if someone who works remotely wants to squeeze in a wax but they only have an hour lunch before they have to log back in, that’s not enough time to travel back and forth. This way, we can go to them! It just offers more flexibility for those who are stuck at work or home.
What mobile services do you plan to offer?
We plan to offer a full-service menu for estheticians. Waxing, makeup, facials, microdermabrasion, you name it! Maybe, if we have space and time, we could hire a nail tech as well!
What are the benefits to offering services on the go?
Offering services on the go allows people more flexibility and therefore they are more relaxed. They don’t feel as stressed as they would trying to make it to the spa. It also just provides more privacy. Some spa suites in salons tend to be noisy and there may be multiple people receiving services at once, but the camper is just one on one, offering more comfort and privacy to the client.
As you get your mobile business going, do you have a plan for growth?
As the mobile business is in the works, I plan on working it full time until my nursing clinicals. By then, my mom would most likely be working the hours that I would. The hope is to a build a clientele big enough to open an actual spa space but, in all honesty, I haven’t thought that far ahead because I don’t know where nursing might take me. My ultimate goal is to own a dermatology practice that offers esthetician services as well!