An Esty’s First Year Journey: July

This month, we discuss with Sofia the importance of mentorship and its role in the esthetics industry.

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Who would you say is your role model?

As cliché as it sounds, my role model truly is my mother. She has worked so hard to give my siblings and I a good life, even when she had to put her education and her career on hold to raise us. About two to three years ago, she finally finished getting her associate’s degree while still working and providing for my little sister and I. She also got her esthetics license during my freshman year of high school while trying to juggle taking me to and from school. She always teaches me that it’s never too late in life to try and accomplish your goals.

Is there anyone providing you with mentorship, professionally?

I have met a few fellow professionals who have been kind enough to share their wisdom with me. I am willing to listen to anyone who has been in the business for a while already and learn from them. Knowledge is power!

As cliché as it sounds, my role model truly is my mother. She has worked so hard to give my siblings and I a good life, even when she had to put her education and her career on hold to raise us.

What have they taught you so far?

That it is crucial to understand what your client wants to achieve, feasible ways to bring about the desired results, and how to manage client expectations.

What is the most important thing you have learned since you’ve gotten started in the esthetics industry?

The most important thing I have learned since joining the esthetics industry is building my communication skills. Making sure I can have in-depth conversations with my clients about their skincare goals and how we can attempt to attain those goals. I want all lines of communication to flow easily so we can establish a trustful bond.

Mentorship is a big key to success in this industry. Although you are still young, how do you plan to help those entering the field?

I hope that once I have more experience in the field I can offer guidance to those who are looking to enter the industry. I think the easiest way to meet people in this industry and in today’s age of technology would be to reach out through social media. Hopefully, once I can form some connections, I can establish some mentorship with future estheticians.

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