Brow Perfection

How to NEVER mess up a brow service and

keep your clients coming back for more

Brow waxing, shaping, threading, tweezing, microblading, laminating, rehabbing- the list of Brow Services these days go on! There are a few key things that should happen NO MATTER the brow service. That is with a thorough multi-step consultation that includes:

  1. Strong communication- your client wants to be heard and then told what to do.
  2. Set expectations (yours + theirs)
  3. C.S.A (cover your a**)
  4. Deliver exactly what they’re looking for or a path to get them there. So what exactly does that mean, and why is it so important?

To begin, greet and welcome the client. Tell the client what they are booked in for, how to fill out the consent forms, where to set their items and then where to sit for their consultation. It seems so obvious, but it does get missed! Then get ready to listen and really listen.

Set expectations by sitting them down and looking at them head-on.

Ask them how they usually style their brows, how they ideally want to maintain their brows, and about the look they’re going for.

They may say, “I have no idea, you’re the expert,” and that’s okay. There’s your golden ticket and permission to do the best thing for their brows in your professional opinion. They may show you a picture of powder brows they found off Pinterest when they are only there for a brow clean-up.

This is your chance to explain the difference and let them know what you can achieve with the service/time. Maybe this means you give them a mirror at the end of the service to show them how to fill in their brows to achieve that look and recommend a few products. By understanding their expectations, you can give yourself a game plan for the way their customized service will go.

“By understanding their expectations, you can give yourself a game plan for the way their customized service will go.”

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Next, C.Y.A (cover your a**) does not just mean to have them sign a consent form! After you’ve set their expectations during the brow consultation, it means to point out further things you notice about their brows.

For example, let the client know you’re going to be very conservative with trimming on the left side since you’re noticing it is shorter than the right, or you’re going to have to fill in the front of the right brow before waxing because you see it starts a little further out than you both would like to achieve their dream brows.

Now, this is not a time to bash their brows, but it certainly is your chance to point out things about their brows that you can’t change today.

It is a time to let your client know what you’re going to do (or instead not do) for them to enhance their brows.

It also helps avoid being blamed for “messing up their brows by making one side shorter” (which we know is how they walked in in the first place). The most subtle change to a brow can feel dramatic, so if you see something, say something but remember, do it nicely + professionally.

Also, it is essential to double-check that they’re not using anything that may cause skin sensitivities.

Next, you can finally touch them and perform the actual service with a clear, communicative game plan that both you and the client have agreed upon. This is where you underpromise and most likely overdeliver!

Why do all that work if you’re not going to follow through? Recommend when to book again for what’s best for their brow goals, teach them how to book, and offer to book it then and there. This is also your time to recommend products, growth serums, favorite brow brushes, etc., so they can maintain this look at home.

TAKE CARE OF THEM! Walk them out, thank them, tell them you look forward to their next appointment. Finally, take thorough notes of their concerns, products, and the colors used on them. Add their before and after pictures to their own album so that the conversation can take off right where it left off when they do come back. Hopefully, they will be back and eager to get on with their brow journey with you.


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