Exploring nutricosmetics further for the esthetician and spa professional
The US Beauty Market is headed to almost $130 billion in growth by 2030. Professional skincare will reach over $13.300 million by 2024. This is great news, especially coming out of a difficult year for estheticians, med-spas, cosmetic dermatology, and the aesthetics industry, due to COVID related issues.
According to Market Watch, a top focus that customers are interested in now and especially the future is anti-aging. In other words, how do we prevent or lessen the effects of aging? Advanced technologies for topical skincare products and medical-beauty devices are already in the works. These technologies are about how to deliver key ingredients into the skin to achieve effective results. There will be a multitude of new options and choices to offer clients for their skincare regimen.
Nutrition should also be considered an option, as there is much upside potential for the professional beauty trade. The majority of products purchased for beauty are online, including products for beauty such as collagen. This opens up a tremendous opportunity for skin and spa professionals to incorporate a new skincare category into their practice.
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We already know that eating well is not only good for general health, but evidence continues to show that nutrition can also help keep your skin healthy and glowing. Since beau ty is tied to nutrition and health, a new trending category referred to as “Nutricosmetics” is on the horizon.
Are science-based supplements designed to deliver beauty and healthy aging benefits, emphasizing skin, hair, nails, and overall wellness from the inside-out? Since skin, hair, and nails are the last places to receive nutrients, proper absorption and a “delivery” system become more important, especially as we age.
If your body does not absorb nutrient uptake properly, it makes it more difficult for nutrients to flow through your bloodstream and do what they can do to support healthier skin, hair, and nails. Your skin is the body’s largest “organ.” Blood Flow is vital to achieving healthier skin, and increased blood circulation helps you look and feel better, too. This leads us into the Science of Nitric Oxide and how (NO) can support the preventative effects of aging, not only for your skin but for your overall health.
By definition, Nitric Oxide (NO) is a gas synthesized from the amino acid L-arginine by a group of enzymes known as nitric oxide synthases. It is a key “messenger” molecule in the cardiovascular system, assisting trillions of our cells in communicating with each other while supporting the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients while enhancing blood flow and oxygen.
Well, most beauty products are primarily designed to enhance skin at the surface. They do not address the building blocks within the body that keeps us looking healthier and feeling more vibrant. There are several ways to help support the production of nitric oxide in our bodies.
Exercise, eating a diet rich in nitrates, and high-quality supplementation. Studies have shown that by the time we are 50 years of age, our body’s ability to produce (NO) declines by 50 percent. Studies have also demonstrated the many benefits of (NO) for anti-aging, skin cell renewal, and our immune system, to name a few.
According to Dr. Howard Peiper, N.D., “I believe that in the near future most people will be using a nitric oxide supplement for overall improvement in health. Since (NO) activates blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, stem cell rejuvenation occurs, which is also an added benefit for healthier skin. Therefore, a diet rich in nitrates, which converts to (NO), exercise, and quality supplementation are recommended.”
By incorporating an educational approach for “beauty from the inside-out”, we can help address clients’ longer-term needs while adding a tremendous value proposition to our respective business practice.