Secrets of a Great Lash Lift

Tried and true tips for flawless results


Longtime lash artist Rebeca Esparza shares her top tips for achieving lush, lifted lashes – every single time!

Lashes need to have grown out and shed about 70 percent before a lash lift can safely be performed again, with no damage to the lashes.

  1. Research, research, research! Whether it’s word of mouth or reading reviews, make sure the esthetician performing your lash lift comes highly recommended, preferably from someone you personally know. Make sure they have crystal clear before and after photos and, if you have any concerns beforehand, always reach out! 


  1. Ask all the questions! Ask your lash artist these questions: What brand do they use for the lash lift? Are they certified by the brand? How long have they been performing lash lifts? In case of overprocessing the lashes (which shouldn’t happen if they are well versed in lash lifts, but it CAN happen, especially when they are inexperienced) do they know how to undo overprocessed lashes that are crimped up? Is a lash tint included in the price? 


  1. Find an esthetician who focuses on just a few specialties. It is usually a red flag when someone you see for nails (for example) starts doing lash lifts. 9 times out of 10, the product is purchased via Amazon without any training or certification. This is where horrible lash lifts happen! Find a lash artist who lives and breathes lashes, all day, every day. 


  1. Show up to your appointment with little to no makeup, preferably. It saves time during the service and it is a much cleaner process. 


  1. Your esthetician should give you aftercare instructions about avoiding saunas, steam rooms, and in some cases, getting the lashes wet for 24 hours.


  1. If you’re coming off of using extensions for a long period of time, ask your lash artist about lash growth serums and conditioners to get your lashes healthier and longer than ever before!


  1. A great lash lift artist will not perform a lash lift on you before your lashes are ready, approximately 6-8 weeks. In some cases, your lash lift may last 10-12 weeks! Lashes need to have grown out and shed about 70 percent before a lash lift can safely be performed again, with no damage to the lashes.



Rebeca Esparza owns Lashes by Rebe, a private studio in Coral Gables, Florida, renowned locally as a go-to spot for beautiful, lifted lashes.  

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