Oxygen Facials

The Finishing Touch


Best practices refers to the single or combined effects of procedures resulting in maximum outcomes. As skincare providers, we are constantly searching for the elements which help our clients achieve the best results. They trust us to recommend services, as well as take-home products, to meet their needs. The better we are at helping them to achieve positive outcomes, the more referrals we receive.

I will share best practices as they relate to the finishing touch of a signature service. Layering modalities can provide for superior outcomes versus using just one modality. Developing your signature service is a process of combining in office services for maximum outcomes. An oxygen facial represents a modality which provides the “finishing touch” to other modalities. 

Layering modalities can provide for superior outcomes versus using just one modality.

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Topical oxygen has its roots in burn care therapy. The premise is that natural ground state oxygen increases skin cell metabolism. Ground state oxygen is the air we breathe. This is the oxygen which drives all cell metabolism. Ground state oxygen is not a free radical.

Skin cells receive oxygen from both the vascular bed as well as the outside. Increasing oxygen from the outside shifts oxygen balance away from the vascular bed, reducing inflammation through tightening of the blood vessels. This process provides anti-inflammatory benefits.  

Skin is designed to be a dehydration barrier, protecting from the drying effects of the environment and to resist the drying effects of wind. However, skin cannot resist liquid mist.  Oxygen concentrators produce sufficient pressure to drive a serum filled nebulizer, and the combination of oxygen and serum produces an oxygen-rich mist.  

Infusion is the process of penetrating the skin with micronized particles, which are very small and penetrate effectively deep into the skin. Medical nebulizers provide two powerful oxygen facial effects. Compressor-driven pressure spins the liquid in the nebulizer to create a tornado-type effect, resulting in an oxygen-rich mist of fine particles. Outflow pressure drop causes chilling of the outflow stream. This chilled mist acts as a carrier for oxygen molecules and creates a comfortable skin cooling.  

Saline solution is the foundation of oxygen mist therapy. From there, plants, peptides, and moisture retaining molecules allow for additional benefits. Plants have a long history of multiple skincare benefits. Examples include witch hazel and aloe vera for anti-inflammatory effects and carrot seed for an anti-microbial effect. New-to-nature molecules, such as peptides, provide anti-wrinkle effects. Hyaluronic acid is well known for its moisture retaining properties. Saline fortified with plants, peptides, and moisture retaining molecules becomes a serum.  

  Oxygen-rich micronized serums are an important finishing touch tool for many common modalities. The combination of oxygen, chilling, and specific serum formulations provide for multiple finishing touch benefits. Post-procedure benefits include inflammation reduction, anti-aging wrinkle improvement, microbial control, improved healing rate and moisture retention.  Here are four practical applications for an oxygen facial.

The primary concern with microneedling is microbe control.  Microneedling creates a portal for microbe introduction, and the greater the depth, the greater the concern.  Anaerobic microbes do not tolerate oxygen. Microbe control and wound healing are enhanced with the oxygen facial.   Oxygen mist serum promotes wound healing as well as microbe control.

An example of an oxygen facial reducing inflammation would be post-laser. The ablating effect of laser causes inflammation. Oxygen’s effect of vascular bed constriction reduces the inflammatory process.  Oxygen mist penetrates deep to the vascular bed, tightening swollen blood vessels. Decompression in the nebulizer causes a cooling of the mist Moisture and cooling comforts your client.

Chemical peel procedures include aqua exfoliation machines and application gels. Following a chemical peel, skin is dry with exposed dermal layers. Skin cries out for moisture and enhanced cell function for healing. The oxygen facial provides for both of those needs. Micronized serums containing moisture-holding molecules, such as hyaluronic acid, are of great benefit.  

The world of anti-aging wrinkle reduction treatment is vast. Oxygen facials fit into this area through the use of peptides and moisturizing serum. “Take off the top and plump up the bottom” is foundational to wrinkle management. An example of this process is crystal microdermabrasion, which flattens skins epidermis trough exfoliation. Oxygen with micronized peptide serum, plumps up the base of the wrinkle. 

The oxygen facial is a great finishing touch for procedures which are enhanced through inflammation reduction, microbe control, moisture enhancement,and wrinkle management.   Your client will appreciate the feel and improved recovery and, as well are all aware, happy clients lead to practice satisfaction, greater referrals, and success for all of us. 

