Clay & Mud Guide



Benefits of Earth ingredients in the spa






Clay & Mud Wraps

Body treatments for toning and detoxifying

Body wraps using clays, muds and other earth materials promote slimming and toning of the body; hydration and skin firming; relaxation and soothing sore muscles and detoxification. Clients are typically wrapped in mud or special body treatment sheets to receive therapeutic benefits beyond what they can achieve at home. There are several types of clay and mud wraps, along with other body wrap materials that can be combined for different treatment goals.


Mud Wrap

A mud wrap consists of a layer of therapeutic mud that is applied to the skin to detoxify, cleanse, and firm the skin. The anti-stress properties of the mud ease water retention and cleanse the pores by drawing out impurities. Disease-carrying microorganisms can live in mud, so high quality muds are particularly essential for effective treatment.

Mud treatments usually include a dry brush exfoliant, mud application and wrap, guided relaxation, shower and massage with steam before or after to enhance the results.

Dead sea mud is a popular choice for mud body wraps. Dead sea mud is harvested from the waters of the ancient Dead Sea, which has long be renowned for its healing properties and high concentration of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, bromine and calcium. After a dead sea mud wrap, clients may experience relief from aching joints, stiffness, skin problems and other toxic aliments.

One of fhe most effective anti-oxidant and anti-aging clay wraps is French Red Clay.

Mud wraps are recommended for:

  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Arthritis
  • Bone and cartilage inflammation
  • Rheumatism
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeplessness
  • Anti-aging
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Detoxification

Clay Wraps

Clay wraps are similar to mud wraps and often include the addition of essential oils to promote relaxation. Clay body treatments have been found to be effective in the treatment of athlete’s foot and to decrease the healing time of wounds.

One of fhe most effective anti-oxidant and anti-aging clay wraps is French Red Clay. This blend purges toxins, leaving the skin soft and remineralized with a noticeable glow. Vitamin E, grape seed, bladderwrack, irish moss, and sage essential oils can be infused into these clays. French red clays is also rich in magnesium, vitamins A, B, B12 and E, iron and amino acids.

Clay wraps are beneficial for:

  • Acne
  • Toning
  • Remineralization
  • Detoxifying


Other types of detoxifying and relaxing body treatments that can be added to clay and mud treatments include:

Algae wrap: warmed algae can be applied to the entire body to nourish and detoxify the skin.

Chocolate wrap: chocolate is recognized for its anti-aging and toning properties. It stimulates endorphins, softens the skin, tones the skin, and plumps out wrinkles.

Cold wraps: these are effective treatments designed to control excess fluid in the hip, leg, and thigh areas. It is good for cellulite and fluid retention and relieves tired legs.

Seaweed wrap: this is a combination of seawater and seaweed that hydrates and firms the skin.

Cellulite treatment wrap: boosts circulation and flushes out toxins. These wraps target the bottom and thighs.

Herbal wrap: uses herbs selected for their nourishing properties. The herbs are blended with oils and steeped in very hot water. Cloth sheets are then soaked in the solution and wrapped around the body. It removes dead skin cells and nourishes the skin.

Bust wrap: a firming serum or mask is used around the bust area to tone and moisturize this delicate skin.

Paraffin wrap: warm paraffin wax is brushed over the body. It is designed to reduce muscle and joint aches and soothe the symptoms of arthritis.

Parafango wrap: fango is the Italian word for mud. This wrap uses warmed paraffin and mud to create a mini-sauna effect to stimulate the body’s lymphatic flow and draw out toxins.

Oil wrap: aromatherapy oils are used to moisturize dry or dehydrated skin. Warm oil with beneficial essential oils can be of great benefit if the client can handle the aromatherapy oils.


Spa wraps should be adjusted and customized to meet each individual client’s needs. Heated body wraps can cause sweating. It’s important to stay alert to the amount your client is sweating, as too much sweat can lead to dehydration. Profuse sweating also leads to changes in blood chemistry, reducing blood volume and sending less oxygen to the cells. Weakness, dizziness, confusion, coma and even death can result because of excessive fluid loss.

If your client is undergoing cancer treatment and is having a body wrap at your spa, your spa therapist is not be qualified to deal with any of these reactions.


Before beginning a body wrap service, it’s essential to conduct a proper client consultation and skin analysis to help determine two things: whether or not a client is fit to receive a body wrap; and to identify any specific factors that may impact how you conduct their service. These are both extremely important in order to ensure the client’s safety, best possible results and to protect you from liability.

The client should fill out a signed consultation form answering questions about any of the following to reveal potential contraindications:


The last thing you want your client to take away from your body wrap service is an allergic reaction. Topically, this can appear in the form of irritation, rash, or possibly worse complications when ingredients penetrate beyond skin deep.


It’s important to note which medications clients are on, as certain ingredients in the wrap may interact as they’re absorbed through the skin.


Many illnesses will be contraindicated with body wraps, or necessitate a medical release.


Expectant mothers and lactating women should not receive body wraps.

Dislike of heat or claustrophobia. Clients who can’t stand being hot or physically constricted will not enjoy a body wrap, which tightly compresses and warms the body for a sustained period of time.


Some ingredients (or wraps in general) will not be suitable to use on clients with certain skin conditions.


During the skin analysis, you will be able to note possible contraindications or other relevant facts that the consultation form may not:

  • Open wounds, signs of recent surgery such as scars
  • Skin conditions
  • Signs of inflammation, eruptions or infections
  • Skin type


It’s important for your clients to understand what to expect in terms of results. For example, clients receiving an inch loss wrap should know the realistic range of loss measurement. If the inch loss will take place over the next several days rather than hours, make sure they understand that the effect will not be immediate.

Clients should be aware of any side effects they may experience following the body wrap so they’re not concerned when they experience the following symptoms:


Sometimes people experience bloating initially after wrapping as the ingredients work to break down and remove the toxins.


As the body rids itself of toxins, clients may experience mild flu like symptoms. This is more likely for newcomers to body wrap treatments.


Clients may feel unusually tired as their body eliminates the toxins.

Explain to your clients that for all of these symptoms, drinking plenty of water can speed up recovery by helping to flush out the toxins.


Finish your consultation by letting clients know what they need to do to maximize their results.

  • For showerless treatments, clients should avoid getting wet or taking a shower for at least eight hours to allow the beneficial wrap ingredients to be fully absorbed.
  • Drink at least 64 ounces water each day for several days following the wrap to help flush the toxins.
  • For inch loss or contouring wraps, practice healthy diet and exercise habits to sustain results.
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